Magazino GmbH

München 80687


About Magazino GmbH

Magazino GmbH with its headquarters in Munich was founded by Frederik Brantner, Lukas Zanger and Nikolas Engelhard in 2014. Since then, the Start-Up has grown to over 50 employees.


Landsberger Str. 234
München 80687
089 - 21552415 - 0

More Info on Magazino GmbH

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Magazino GmbH with its headquarters in Munich was founded by Frederik Brantner, Lukas Zanger and Nikolas Engelhard in 2014. Since then, the Start-Up has grown to over 50 employees. Magazino builds and develops perception controlled, mobile robots for intralogistics. The Order-picking-robot TORU is the newest development by Magazino. Until now it was only possible to automated pick whole boxes and pallets. Now, with TORU it is possible to pick a single item. Magazinos technology contains 2D and 3D cameras which makes it possible to identify and locate a single object within the shelf, pick it safely and finally transport it precisely to the desired location. The intelligent robot TORU works side-by-side with humans and delivers the desired parts at the right time to the workplace or to the shipping station. With this solution Magazino delivers the perfect Item-logistic for the industry 4.0.

All content from Magazino GmbH

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Pick-By-Robot System

June 7, 2017
Magazino provides item-specific picking