Subsite Electronics

Perry, OK 73077


About Subsite Electronics


1950 W. Fir Ave
Perry, OK 73077
United States of America

More Info on Subsite Electronics

Subsite Electronics is a member of the "family of companies" that comprise Charles Machine Works, each focused on meeting the needs of the underground construction industry.  At Subsite, we are committed to providing underground construction professionals the most comprehensive suite of electronic products in the industry, including utility locators, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) guidance systems, and equipment machine controls.  By listening to our customers, utilizing innovative technologies and providing outstanding after-sale support, Subsite Electronics has become the premier source of electronic technology to support the installation and maintenance of underground pipe and cable.

All content from Subsite Electronics

830 350
Industrial & Engineering

Ultimate Walk-Over HDD Guidance System

Aug. 28, 2015
TSR mobile softwaredownloads horizontal directional drilling (HDD) bore information from Subsite TK HDD guidance systems directly to mobile telephones or tablets. TSR mobile software...