Werk-Brau Co., Inc.

Findlay, OH 45840


About Werk-Brau Co., Inc.

Werk-Brau manufactures a complete line of OEM and replacement attachments for excavators, mini excavators, backhoes, mini and full-size loaders, and crawler loaders.
501 to 1,000

Product Summary

Manufacturing excavator attachments, manufacturing wheel loader attachments, manufacturing backhoe attachments, and manufacturing mini excavator attachments.


2800 Fostoria Rd.
Findlay, OH 45840
(800) 537-9561

More Info on Werk-Brau Co., Inc.

Werk-Brau Co., Inc.
Werk-Brau Co., Inc. logo

Werk-Brau manufactures a complete line of OEM and replacement attachments for excavators, mini excavators, backhoes, mini and full-size loaders, and crawler loaders. Since 1947, it has been an industry-leading innovator, designing and producing specialty products for the heavy equipment industry. Its products are made in the USA and sold through equipment dealers and distributors worldwide.

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All content from Werk-Brau Co., Inc.

© Werk-Brau
Werk-Brau Co., Inc.
Construction Equipment

RockHound Landscape Rake Removes up to 8” Rocks

Aug. 5, 2024
Werk-Brau's Rockhound landscape rake removes rocks from ¾ to 8 in. along with other debris, leaving a level seedbed ready for sodding or seeding.
830 350
Facility Operations

Skid Steer Angle Brooms

Nov. 23, 2022
Broom speeds of up to 200 RPM are attainable with the Skid Steer Angle Brooms from Werk-Brau.
830 350
Facility Operations

6-Yard Heavy-Duty High-Capacity Bucket

June 14, 2022
The Heavy-Duty High-Capacity Bucket from Werk-Brau can scoop faster and more efficiently with an aggressive dig angle.
830 350
Construction Equipment

Compact Excavator Rake

July 22, 2021
Werk-Brau introduces a multi-tined rake attachment that can be customized with multiple tine options, widths, and configurations to maximize efficiency and productivity on...