
Albuquerque, NM 87109


About Optomec

Optomec is breaking new ground in the world of additive manufacturing (AM) with unique 3D printing technology that supports a broad range of functional, production-grade materials and feature sizes.


3911 Singer N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87109
(505) 761-8250

More Info on Optomec

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Optomec is breaking new ground in the world of additive manufacturing (AM) with unique 3D printing technology that supports a broad range of functional, production-grade materials and feature sizes. Our AM technology provides unique advantages over traditional manufacturing approaches.

  • It enables customers to not only print full 3D parts, but also to add materials onto existing 3D parts that were produced using conventional manufacturing methods, such as CNC machining or injection molding.
  • It provides production grade/production scale 3D printing of fully functional end-use devices in specific areas such as printed electronics and metals.
  • It support a wide range of functional materials and feature sizes


With Optomec, the promise of high-volume additive manufacturing is a reality today, transforming how companies design, build and maintain critical parts and products and enabling new manufacturing possibilities.

Since 1997, Optomec systems have produced hundreds of innovative designs and products in markets such as electronics, energy, life sciences, aerospace and defense and the Internet of Things (IoT). Because Optomec enables the production of smart, connected devices with embedded electronics that meet the stringent size, functionality and cost demands of the market, Optomec provides unique advantages to the manufacturing of products in the emerging IoT space.


With a strong track history of success and more than $30 million invested in product development, Optomec has worked with leading industrial companies and research organizations across a range of markets to deliver on the promise of 3D printing. Optomec systems are used across the product life cycle to reduce the size and cost of electronic devices, improve the efficiency of machines generating alternative energy sources, extend the life of high-value aerospace components, produce wear-resistant medical devices, and make industrial and consumer devices smarter and connected.

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