Möhlenhoff GmbH

Salzgitter 38229


About Möhlenhoff GmbH

Möhlenhoff GmbH is one of the most innovative companies in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry.


Museumstraße 54A
Salzgitter 38229
+49 (0) 5341 8475-0

More Info on Möhlenhoff GmbH

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Möhlenhoff GmbH is one of the most innovative companies in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry. The company specializes in the development and manufacturing of solutions for electronic room-by-room temperature control and smart home technology. Möhlenhoff is the global market leader in the field of thermal actuators.


Over a period of more than 30 years, the family-run enterprise has established itself as a reliable, expert partner for OEM customers. With a view to future technologies and market requirements, the company bases its success on durable, innovative, and energy-saving products, accompanied by a multitude of services.


The company philosophy is characterized by a fair and honest relationship with business partners and employees, social engagement, and the assumption of entrepreneurial responsibility. The company recognizes the qualification and the health of the employees as well as the development of the Salzgitter region as an important contribution for safeguarding the future.

All content from Möhlenhoff GmbH

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Facility Operations

Home Automation System

March 12, 2018
Möhlenhoff GmbH offers a smart heating system for the home that is conveniently controlled with a smartphone.
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Versatile Valve Drive for All Applications

July 26, 2016
With its Motoric Valve Drive, Möhlenhoff, the specialist for heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions, has included a motor-driven valve drive in its portfolio for ...