For over 40 years, Newson Gale has been leading the way in hazardous area static grounding control, serving industries where processes generating static electricity have the potential to ignite flammable or combustible atmospheres.
The Newson Gale range mitigates static charge accumulation by using practical and innovative design and ensures effective static control on three levels: Grounding and bonding clamps, visual verification, and interlockable control systems:
Static ground indicators and interlock systems via our Earth-Rite range.
Self-testing static electricity grounding clamp units via our Bond-Rite series.
Static grounding and bonding clamps, cables, and reels via our Cen-Stat range.
Published data shows that ignitions from static discharges rank as highly as over-pressure faults in petrochemical handling and are second only to mechanical sparks for dust explosions.