Pratt & Whitney

E. Hartford, CT 06118


About Pratt & Whitney


400 Main St.
E. Hartford, CT 06118
(860) 565-4321
1( 800) 565-0140

More Info on Pratt & Whitney

Pratt & Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units.

At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed—and will continue to transform—the world. It’s an engine for human progress and an instrument to rise above. That’s why we work with an explorer’s heart and a perfectionist’s grit to design, build, and service the world’s most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines.

We do this as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is our mission, and a challenge to which we rise every day. It’s about more than transporting people reliably to their destinations. It’s about more than providing the care and intelligence to service aircraft engines expertly. It’s about innovating and engineering a new and exciting future for aviation—one in which the full potential of human progress can be unleashed. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.

Videos & Resources

Sergey Galushko |
Dreamstime M 23868612
Research and Development

Maximizing Accuracy in Microinch Measurement

Oct. 9, 2020
This paper discusses practices found effective for maximizing accuracy when measuring at small values.

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