Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC R&D)

Scappoose, OR 97056


About Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC R&D)


33701 Charles T. Parker Way
Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-3306

More Info on Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC R&D)

OMIC R&D has built a powerhouse consortium of industry and academic leaders committed to combining their knowledge and experience to advance manufacturing to the next stage. The key to this dynamic effort is invested collaboration. Through collaboration, innovation is born, resulting in applied solutions for manufacturers to make products better, faster, greener, and less expensive. OMIC R&D’s capabilities can benefit companies that may not have the time, focus, or bandwidth to address research issues themselves. OMIC R&D is modeled after the Advanced Manufacturing Research Center established with Boeing at Sheffield University in England. AMRC was founded to help manufacturers of any size become more competitive by introducing advanced techniques, technologies, and processes, and to carry out world-leading research into advanced machining, manufacturing, and materials that are of practical use to industry. 

Videos & Resources

Omic Vericut Force White Paper 2
Research and Development

CGTech VERICUT Force Review

Oct. 8, 2020
OMIC R&D offers an unbiased review on the VERICUT Force Module—a simulation-optimization solution that reduces machining times and improves cutting tool and machine life.

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